the great mid-twenty-something dilemma™️


A quarter life crisis?

The great mid-twenty-something dilemma™️?


Whatever it is, it’s coming fast. I’ve been listening to a bunch of quarter-life-crisis podcasts (fun… I know), and the resounding thing I’ve taken away is framing. Frame the ‘problem’ as an opportunity. “I don’t know what I’m doing in life,” turns into, “I have an opportunity to explore new things in life.” “Who am I?” turns into, “This is an opportunity to explore new facets of my being.”

I’ve also been exploring meditations (shoutout my 10 minute Spotify podcasts who are doing some HEAVY lifting). It’s been nice to switch “seriousness” for “joy” and finding ways to let my inner light show, even on the days where it’s a bit harder.

This rambling is all to say, I’m excited for what’s to come. I’m turning 25 this year and am excited to see what the year has in store for me. I’m ready to just ride. Let the waves take me wherever. In my head 25 is going to be the year of:

  • radical self love

  • my marmot tattoo

  • the marathon

  • (manifesting) a puppy

  • joy

  • running, rock climbing, biking, hiking, smiling

  • coffee

  • 26 books

  • …and RENTING A CAR

When I think about this year, I really want to find ways to enjoy myself. I especially want to be grateful for my body’s abilities. It wakes me up, it lets me run, it lets me rock climb, it lets me smile, and it lets me share. I want to run more. I want to listen more. I want to love more. With all of these more statements, I also relinquish the pressure that comes with these goals and also give myself the forgiveness to make mistakes. Through mistakes, growth occurs. Through discomfort, find strength.

All that being said, cheers to 2023. Cheers to 25. Cheers to a life worth living.

If you’re reading this and have advice you wish you would have been told when you were 25, hit me up over email and let me know what you wish you would have known.